So to mutate the route, you have to clone the query, with a technique like the above. So, in short, you can’t make changes to this.$route.query, or any reference to it ( let queries = this.$route.query still points to the same object). Now if you want to modify the query in response to a changing field, you might try this: watch: ) Elsewhere, you have to import router from 'vue-router'. In a Vue component, you always have access to the router via this.$router. Vue-router’s API for modifying the current route (URL) accepts a ‘location’ object which can specify a path, a named route via name, route params, and a query object. Vue-router is a little tricky about this because the $route.query object is immutable - you cannot mutate it.

Sometimes you want to change or remove some part of the query string ( ?origin=SOP&destination=LPL), but not the whole thing. People use vue-router in Vue Single Page Apps (SPAs) to manage how the URL affects what you’re seeing on the page. You actually don’t need to access everything in this library in order to create routes. The first thing to do is import the Vue Router library. Open the file you just created into an editor of your choice. replace () is the same, except it does not push a new state to the history. Next, create an index.js file inside the router directory: touch router/index.js. push () is used to go to a new route, adding a new item to the browser history.

You can get the current route name from route. If it's a large application with numerous paths then you can easily make route naming automatic which makes the problem largely obsolete. Afaik you will either need to name your routes or manually combine a path. Get vue-router to change part of the query string without a page refresh () which resemble the pushState, replaceState and go methods of the History API. 611 1 5 26 See the docs, namely the note in bold. Mythbusting High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) (older).